2009年7月8日 星期三
Vanessa in Binghamton
這張圖毋需多加說明,它闡述了我妹妹來到Binghamton第三天後,在我的房間,對我的房間,做了些什麼。真是江山易改,本性難移哪。 p.s. 她正在用Macbook觀賞"天元突破",一天就完食了,食量與速度兼具
2009年6月30日 星期二
2009年6月29日 星期一
2009年6月28日 星期日
Transformers Animated Shockwave
It's about three days since I watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in the theaters. Let's just say I'll leave the all the lambasting, disparaging to the hands of our adept film critics. And I say that with no cycnicism: being a mid-big Transformers fan, I would concur with many if not all of their opinions. Mr. Bay has really squandered the potential he built with the first film, and turned it into a cheap, effects-laden sludgefest embellished with sexual/ethnic stereotypes and horrible acting. I have to admit it was entertaining. BUT, the inner literary scholar just can't let go of the weakly narrated plot and offensive representations. I might reserve my bile for a separate post, but for the time being, let's enjoy this new interpretation of an old favorite: Shockwave (who Mr. Bay hasn't managed to get his grubby paws on...yet).
2009年6月26日 星期五
2009年6月25日 星期四
Transformers Animated Megatron (Earth mode) Pt.1
This will be the first Leader Class toy on this blog; frankly, it's my only Leader Class (shh...what about a certain Masterpiece?) and perhaps my favorite Megatron toy so far. As for the new improved Revenge of the Fallen Movie Leaders (both Prime and Megs), I'll bide my time until either a redecoration with a more metallic paint scheme appears, or the forces of capitalism decide to throw them into punge/expunge discount mode.
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