Ithaca Nut Brown Ale, 5.0% ABV, 12 oz (bottled)
Color: A thin, bubbly head forms when the ale is poured – which dissipates swiftly, slightly against my preference. The color is a succulent brown/tan, a tad darker than Newcastle’s pastel.
Color: A thin, bubbly head forms when the ale is poured – which dissipates swiftly, slightly against my preference. The color is a succulent brown/tan, a tad darker than Newcastle’s pastel.
Tasting Notes: A malty, nutty, borderline bready nose greets me as the ale’s first impression upon the olfactory senses. This is a solid, pleasant nose of well-rounded aromas of yeast, malt and mineral-like crispness. Flavor-wise the ale is also welcoming, with upfront malt/barley supported by slight notes of fruit (the fruity flavors are so subdued that I can’t really place it), cashew and hazelnut; a light yet smooth body mitigates these flavors further, giving a very mellow and drinkable impression. Worthy of mention is despite the conspicuous lack of hop flavors and bitterness, this ale felt complete in itself, an established statement of flavor. Ironically, some brown ales taste like it could benefit from hops.
Comment: Brown ales, with its mild and laid-back character, are a nice change of pace from porters, stouts, IPAs or whatever palate-intense brew one would consume for the winter. The Ithaca Nut Brown is officially the second beer I tried from the Ithaca Brewery, and I prefer it miles over the Apricot Wheat. It’s a traditional style, solid and well-balanced. Great things have also been said about the brewery’s seasonal/special beers (some which can only be obtained at the brewery); perhaps a visit to the brewery in the near future would provide great entertainment and an excuse to leave Binghamton aka Cabin Fever Central. Of course, Ithaca is also home to the famous Cornell University; Cornell students (dis)affectionately call the town “Shithaca”. A while ago over Facebook, a classmate from high school who graduated from Cornell last year pondered over my livelihood in Binghamton; a town which he, someone accustomed to “Shithaca”, considered “desolate and industrial”. Well, with my circumstances taken into account, it seems to be a good opportunity for this friend to revise his past resentment and dissatisfaction of a town that has a great music scene and a nice brewery; hell, it may even stir up some nostalgia for him, ha!