Distillery: Bowmore, Islay, Scotland
Bowmore 12yo, OB +/- 2005, 43 %, 750ml
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome another Islay legend, this time in particular the old bottling of the Bowmore 12yo a.k.a. "soapy/perfumy" malt. Deriders of this bottling have labeled the eccentric soap-like aromas "French whore perfume", or "sulphuric residue", but I personally found it quite interesting. Not the most conspicuous of the Islay distilleries, but one whose flavors are finely balanced between Northern Islay (Bunnahabhain, Bruichladdich, Caol Ila) and Southern Islay (Laphroaig, Ardbeg, Lagavulin). I wonder how the new distillery, Kilchoman, will upset this geography of palates?
Color: 深金/橙褐色,一看便知有待過雪莉桶。
Nose: 前段是尖銳的泥煤與海風,中段則有清淡的水梨香和惡名昭彰的肥皂味,後段是不算厚重、有些薄的雪莉氣味。
Body: 酒體中厚,口感溫和。
Palate: 甫入口,滿滿的橙皮味溢出,緊接著是有些嗆鼻的肥皂味。與肥皂分不開的海藻與之交纏著,然後如Nose所聞,尖銳的泥煤往舌根襲去。若缺乏雪莉甜和黑巧克力般的苦平衡,這小子嘗起來應該就只是瓶藥水。
Finish: 吞下之後,香皂和泥煤在鼻梢上揮之不去,舌上略感溫麻,有點像Talisker但威力遠遠不及。