Brewery: Newcastle Federation Breweries LTD, Dunston, England (UK)
Newcastle Brown Ale (bottled import), 4.7% ABV, 12oz
Color: The ale forms a thin, bubbly head after poured and dissipates swiftly. The color is a handsome dark brown, reminiscent of ice tea or cola diluted with ice (after it melts, of course).
Tasting Notes: The nose is crisp, hinting subtly at notes of malt, hops with a metallic tinge; it is rather nondescript for an ale known for its cult-ish following (I think Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones declared it his favorite beer, and Keith Moon of The Who loves it too). What it lacks in the nose, the “dog” compensates with smoothness – the feel on the palate is wonderful – the body is roughly medium but quite creamy. On to the flavors: hmm? What flavors? This puppy doesn’t run like a beagle, it fawns to you like a Maltese; only some malt, an earthy, yeasty (some reviewers call it “skunky”) hop taste presents itself. The finish is perhaps the most off-putting aspect it bears upon me. There is an intensely artificial, sugary aftertaste of caramel that lingers on the tongue. According to the website Beer Advocate, the fine chaps at the brewery inject corn grits and liquid sugar (syrup) into this dog. Eww.
Comment: In retrospect, Newcastle Brown Ale is honestly one of the first beers I came to appreciate (most likely due to its lack of bitterness and smoothness). I first tried it in the summer of 2006, in Boston when I was going to summer school at a rather nefarious university and subletted a room from my old-time buddy Kevin. I would drink it with my meals – and guess what, it tasted fabulous. However, it’s always fascinating to look back upon early infatuations once those taste buds become more nuanced and refined. You also tend to see things in a radically different light. This beer, if I ever happen to stumble upon it in the future, shall always remind me of Kevin – of 2006 – who is about to get married this coming December. His circumstances of the marriage may not be the most ideal, but I wish him the best nevertheless. Cheers. (gulps beer) That saccharine residue just won’t go away, huh.
Comment: In retrospect, Newcastle Brown Ale is honestly one of the first beers I came to appreciate (most likely due to its lack of bitterness and smoothness). I first tried it in the summer of 2006, in Boston when I was going to summer school at a rather nefarious university and subletted a room from my old-time buddy Kevin. I would drink it with my meals – and guess what, it tasted fabulous. However, it’s always fascinating to look back upon early infatuations once those taste buds become more nuanced and refined. You also tend to see things in a radically different light. This beer, if I ever happen to stumble upon it in the future, shall always remind me of Kevin – of 2006 – who is about to get married this coming December. His circumstances of the marriage may not be the most ideal, but I wish him the best nevertheless. Cheers. (gulps beer) That saccharine residue just won’t go away, huh.