First, a little myth-busting: when certain whiskies reach their maturity and are prepared for bottling, the distilleries usually dilute it with water and blend it with spirit from other casks, brining the ABV down to the market standard of 40%. Never assume the bottled strength as the whiskies’ original concentration, even at higher proofs (such as the standard Wild Turkey 101). This is where Cask Strength whiskies enter. A Cask Strength is a product that aims to emulate a whisky’s condition fresh out the barrel. They are most likely still blended with spirit from other casks (and perhaps some water to maintain uniformity), but on average a CS product will be a more intense, gratifying, ecstatic experience compared to the standard bottling. Cask Strength whiskies are not for the faint of heart either: this is hardcore love, through and through.
Package: 外盒主色為深綠/紅條紋,感覺比10yo沉穩一些。
Package: 外盒主色為深綠/紅條紋,感覺比10yo沉穩一些。
Color: 搶眼的深金色,乍見之下容易誤以為有雪莉桶的影響,但仔細端詳後便能察覺裡頭沒有任何「紅色系」的蹤跡。
Tasting Notes: 就nosing而言,一般Laphroaig 10yo 那股明顯、活潑的碘味被壓到較後方,前頭充滿香甜的橡木、香草及鹹鹹的海潮香。這裡的海味香當強,幾乎可說是「海腥味」或「海騷味」了。給它大約5分鐘,海藻及碘的香氣逐漸從香草底下浮出,野性十足。入口後立刻能注意到的是舌尖上明顯的甜/鹹味,一種宛如被海水親吻的感覺,伴隨濃濃的麥甜。緊接著是油滑酒體帶來的溫泥煤─用「巨浪」形容似乎不大恰當,那感覺十分廣闊、厚重但溫柔─給人的印象是略亮的陰天下(威士忌不像cocktail,和大晴天的海灘印象不太合)Islay的綿長海岸邊,有著幾戶零星住家,其煙囪冒著燒泥煤的煙,一幅抑鬱與溫暖並重的畫面。被這波泥煤擁抱後,碘、機油等粗獷的味道紛紛登場,好不精彩。最後以塞滿鼻腔的smoke和在喉間久久不去的dryness收場,好。10yo CS你好樣的。
Bang for Buck Meter: BBB
Comment: 這是筆者去年五月退出Nakama樂團時,團員贈送的好物。曾經於International Whisky Awards贏得2005年「最佳威士忌」大獎的Laphroaig 10yo CS可謂泥煤中毒者的解毒劑 (或「致毒」,哈)。Andrew Jefford曾於其2004年詳細描述艾雷島的 Peat Smoke and Spirit一書中表示,10yo CS是一支能將酒廠特色表露無遺的酒,原文是 “the whisky that lets the beast out of the cage”,意境類似某忍者漫畫中,某李姓人物將四肢的加重物拿下,變得身輕如燕一般。雖然不是單一酒桶且完全未經稀釋的威士忌,Laphroaig 10yo CS強悍的ABV確實是這個價位中(大約55~60 USD),最美妙的艾雷經驗。