From the words of the guys on BeerAdvocate.com and the great Michael Jackson, an "American Microbrew Classic".
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing CO, Chico CA
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, 5.6% ABV, 12 oz
Color: Robust, pear-ish gold with a hue of copper.
Color: Robust, pear-ish gold with a hue of copper.
Tasting Notes: Splendidly fragrant citrus, hop and grains arise, the diverse flavors are well integrated. Palate starts rather slow, beginning a smooth and foamy sizzle that gives way to crisp flavors of grains (bread-y) and layered hop bitterness. The presentation is quite raw, primordial and powerful. The finish is almost tea-like, with the hops still at the sides and rear of the tongue, laced with some saltiness.
Comment: A pioneering beer at the time of its inception, this is a classic anyone interested in seriously exploring the choices of beer besides Budweiser, Miller, etc. (all that mass-produced, thinner-than-water lager) should try. It literally made me cry. Well, the Pale Ale’s taste can’t take all the credit, since it was a situational sensation that caught me back there – I had left Taiwan for nearly 1 1/2 months, sipping a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale after dinner – I suddenly thought of my father, that stumpy, fat, inflexible and often strict Mr. Nice Guy Scholar that often disagreed with me on my academic/political issues. The loss of having those discussions, and projecting his image onto the father figure in 朱自清’s essay 背影 seriously jerked my tears: I quietly sobbed a few tears, as if allowing that moment of weakness tore through the façade of my armor. You may ask, why not my mother? The answer is apparent – we Skype every two days and she’s darn pesky. Case closed. Anyways, perhaps due to this incident, Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale will occupy a special position in my beer pantheon, as something that triggered a true incident of nostalgia. Surely I will pick up a six pack again, when I’ve done a good share of exploring other fascinating beers.
Comment: A pioneering beer at the time of its inception, this is a classic anyone interested in seriously exploring the choices of beer besides Budweiser, Miller, etc. (all that mass-produced, thinner-than-water lager) should try. It literally made me cry. Well, the Pale Ale’s taste can’t take all the credit, since it was a situational sensation that caught me back there – I had left Taiwan for nearly 1 1/2 months, sipping a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale after dinner – I suddenly thought of my father, that stumpy, fat, inflexible and often strict Mr. Nice Guy Scholar that often disagreed with me on my academic/political issues. The loss of having those discussions, and projecting his image onto the father figure in 朱自清’s essay 背影 seriously jerked my tears: I quietly sobbed a few tears, as if allowing that moment of weakness tore through the façade of my armor. You may ask, why not my mother? The answer is apparent – we Skype every two days and she’s darn pesky. Case closed. Anyways, perhaps due to this incident, Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale will occupy a special position in my beer pantheon, as something that triggered a true incident of nostalgia. Surely I will pick up a six pack again, when I’ve done a good share of exploring other fascinating beers.