Here's the very first beer I recorded since getting to Binghamton in August!
Brewery: Boston Beer Company, Boston MA, Breweries located in Cincinnati & Ohio, USA.
Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat (wheat beer), 4.5% ABV, 12 oz bottle
Brewery: Boston Beer Company, Boston MA, Breweries located in Cincinnati & Ohio, USA.
Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat (wheat beer), 4.5% ABV, 12 oz bottle
Color: Light amber with a hint of red.
Tasting Notes: Nose is profoundly sweet, with a pleasant odor resembling a cherry coke, followed by slight maltiness and a faint aroma of hops. On the palate the beer is livingly crisp, with the sweetness of cherries taking center stage. Smooth wheat flavors (traditionally less assertive than barley) further enhances the fruity sweetness, while the hop influence is felt lightly in the finish, never encroaching the dominance of the fruits.
Comment: A very sweet, easily drinkable beer and I patronizingly declare it a more feminine member of the Sam Adams roster. However it is a bit too sweet to my taste, as the cherry becomes slightly overpowering after downing half a bottle. Despite my preference lying with those having a darker finish, the Cherry Wheat is a welcome change on occasion.