It's about three days since I watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in the theaters. Let's just say I'll leave the all the lambasting, disparaging to the hands of our adept film critics. And I say that with no cycnicism: being a mid-big Transformers fan, I would concur with many if not all of their opinions. Mr. Bay has really squandered the potential he built with the first film, and turned it into a cheap, effects-laden sludgefest embellished with sexual/ethnic stereotypes and horrible acting. I have to admit it was entertaining. BUT, the inner literary scholar just can't let go of the weakly narrated plot and offensive representations. I might reserve my bile for a separate post, but for the time being, let's enjoy this new interpretation of an old favorite: Shockwave (who Mr. Bay hasn't managed to get his grubby paws on...yet).