2009年6月16日 星期二
Transformers Universe Onslaught
As the original leader of the Combaticons - a Decepticon gestalt subgroup that combines to form Bruticus - Onslaught was known for his tactical prowess and poor imitation of a Russian accent in the G1 cartoon series. However, despite his character's bad-assery, his toy was a relatively uninspiring fold-former. Almost 24 years later, through many reappearances in Beast Wars, the Unicron Trilogy etc, he finally gets a modern "G1-ish" reinterpretation: a mean SWAT tank alt mode, fascist undertones and all, with a fantastic robot design. It is clear that the designers had much love for the G1 incarnation, and dedicated effort to redefine him without sacrificing that feel. A near-perfect toy if not for the defective electronic siren.

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