Old Slugger Pale Ale, 5.50% ABV, 12oz (bottle)
Color: This pale ale forms a moderate yet delicate head when poured, unlike the vigorous Sierra Nevada. Intriguingly, the ale emits a hue of copper-red which resembles amber ale.
Color: This pale ale forms a moderate yet delicate head when poured, unlike the vigorous Sierra Nevada. Intriguingly, the ale emits a hue of copper-red which resembles amber ale.
Tasting Notes: The nose is equally singular: excluding the standard citrus, apple-aromas, malt and bready flavors of pale ales, there’s a buttery – butterscotch like tang. According to information from beeradvocate.com, this is a result of the employed strain, “Ringwood Yeast” gone haywire. If chaos is good, this is it! The body is firm, thick, and not heavily carbonated; malt and butterscotch comprise the central flavors, with very mild hop bitterness embellishing the overall depth. These flavors create an overall simple yet endearing profile. A clean finish with only slight hints of residual butterscotch concludes this eccentric but lovable ale.
2-21-09 Cooperstown & Ommegang brewery trip, Pt.1: A week after ending a long-distance relationship, Brendan, Charlie and I set out to visit both the Ommegang and Cooperstown breweries in Cooperstown, NY, home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. It was a welcome trip for a change of mood – a boys’ trip, too! Our little gang of three set out around noon, aiming to hit Ommegang first, with their cave-aged Abbey Ale as our target of acquisition. Before I return to the details, a little briefing would help. Ommegang is a relatively young microbrewery established in 1997, specializing in elegant, rich Belgian-styled beers, currently on the rise to national (and dare I say international as well) stardom. Cooperstown, on the other hand, is a small family-operated brewery (relative to Ommegang, it’s basically an ant compared to the macrobreweries) somewhat overshadowed by its neighbor. This charming little brewery’s expertise lies with the English Ale tradition, with some innovative American touches. Etc. etc. blah blah blah…let’s get back on the road. The weather was spectacular: a clear azure sky and unfettered sunlight illuminated the meandering fields of snow between Binghamton and Cooperstown; a truly gorgeous winter day. We reached Ommegang roughly around 1:30 PM…
2-21-09 Cooperstown & Ommegang brewery trip, Pt.1: A week after ending a long-distance relationship, Brendan, Charlie and I set out to visit both the Ommegang and Cooperstown breweries in Cooperstown, NY, home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. It was a welcome trip for a change of mood – a boys’ trip, too! Our little gang of three set out around noon, aiming to hit Ommegang first, with their cave-aged Abbey Ale as our target of acquisition. Before I return to the details, a little briefing would help. Ommegang is a relatively young microbrewery established in 1997, specializing in elegant, rich Belgian-styled beers, currently on the rise to national (and dare I say international as well) stardom. Cooperstown, on the other hand, is a small family-operated brewery (relative to Ommegang, it’s basically an ant compared to the macrobreweries) somewhat overshadowed by its neighbor. This charming little brewery’s expertise lies with the English Ale tradition, with some innovative American touches. Etc. etc. blah blah blah…let’s get back on the road. The weather was spectacular: a clear azure sky and unfettered sunlight illuminated the meandering fields of snow between Binghamton and Cooperstown; a truly gorgeous winter day. We reached Ommegang roughly around 1:30 PM…