Blender: John Walker & Sons, Kilmarnock, Scotland
Johnnie Walker Red Label, 40 %, 200ml
Johnnie Walker Red Label, 40 %, 200ml
The first blended Scotch entry on this blog...I must say I'm much more of a Single Malt man. However, the unlimited refills of Johnnie Walker Black label available on the cross-continental flight of Cathay Airways ain't too bad at all! With all due respect, the Black label is far superior to the red, which is duly reviewed below.
Color: 稻草色。
Nose: 初聞之下充滿黃芥末、香料以及難以探知的一絲海鹽(Talisker?),中段則酒精味明顯,堵在鼻前,約略令人感到不悅。最後則是微弱的麥甜與波本桶產生的香草氣息。
Body: 輕,但有些混濁且油膩。
Palate: 起初是帶澀的青草,些微海鹹味,幾秒後口感酸、沉的味道開始擴散,主導整支酒,類似啤酒的麥甜味和裊裊煙燻都無法除去這暗沉的味道。
Finish: 一股類似喝完一大口啤酒的發酵麥芽後韻往上衝,除此之外儘是酒精味,相當短促。
Bang for Buck Meter: BB