Yoichi either attests to the fact that technology is in its essence disseminative and operates on piracy and copying, or that the Japanese are just too darn good. If their 1987 20yo Cask Strength Single Malt winning the title for "World's Best Single Malt Whisky" in last year's World Whisky Awards - beating Scottish heavyweights like Laphroaig and Talisker in the process - isn't enough of an indicator, I don't know what will be. More than Suntory's crown jewel single malt, Yamazaki, I prefer the products of this distillery, especially its "peaty/grilled" distillery character. Most definitely, when I return to Binghamton in August, I'll smuggle the bottle of 15yo stored in my closet for the harsh winter.
Distillery: 余市(Yoichi), 北海道(Hokkaido), Japan
Color: 淡琥珀色,但稍偏銅褐色。
Nose: 上段中充滿誘人的香甜麥芽,是一股Creamy且宛若太妃糖般的甜味。再來是燒烤泥煤與焦糖的氣息,最後以濃郁的乾棗以及圓潤的雪莉香收尾。
Body: 酒體飽滿、如奶油似地滑順。
Palate: 甫入口是大量曬乾的柑橘類酸甜,以及薄荷的清涼感,而泥煤隨之在鼻梢擴散。這股泥煤和燻烤麥芽、棗子的甜味緊密結合,其中躲藏著一絲線香的蹤跡,或許這支酒在日本橡木製作的桶子中待過?最後清爽的海鹹味將這些豐富的味道整理了起來。
Finish: 感覺溫暖,「燒烤」的印象十分濃厚,各種味道集中在鼻腔上方久久不散。