Distillery: Lagavulin, Islay, Scotland
Lagavulin 16yo, OB, 43 %, 700ml, “Port Ellen”
Yes! Finally, a belated introduction of Lagavulin, one of the three mighty Kildalton malts (Southern Islay). Moody, aristocratic, dark, cryptic, royal, unfathomable...are all common terms employed in the service of describing this fantastic distillery. The 16yo is a tempestuous yet balanced dram, a great introduction to a cultural shock (the other two being Ardbeg or Laphroaig). For the brave, read on...
Lagavulin 16yo, OB, 43 %, 700ml, “Port Ellen”
Yes! Finally, a belated introduction of Lagavulin, one of the three mighty Kildalton malts (Southern Islay). Moody, aristocratic, dark, cryptic, royal, unfathomable...are all common terms employed in the service of describing this fantastic distillery. The 16yo is a tempestuous yet balanced dram, a great introduction to a cultural shock (the other two being Ardbeg or Laphroaig). For the brave, read on...
Color: 如古銅色皮膚般的深金色,裡頭又稍帶類似鐵鏽的磚紅。
Nose: 前段洋溢豐富的泥煤、海藻、海鹽與碘味,之後是更厚實的泥煤和彷彿牛肉濃湯般的奶脂氣息。後段則充滿和雪莉緊密相融的泥煤、乾棗味。
Body: 飽滿而順口。
Palate: 舌尖上首先感受到明顯的麥甜與草香,形影不離的濃郁乳脂、泥煤與煙燻三者徐徐、優雅地跟進,味道非常集中且均衡;於此同時,身為配角的海鹽與藻類穿插其中,襯托著泥煤。雪莉若有似無、且與其他味道渾然一體的甜味是維持平衡不可或缺的要角。
Finish: 舌上的海鹽、雪莉甜輕柔地擴散,鼻腔中仍充滿泥煤/乳脂/煙燻味,近似喝茶後的回甘。
Bang for Buck Meter: BBB
Where to Find: 全省各大洋酒連鎖店、煙酒專賣店皆可尋獲其芳蹤,但價格差異頗大。主因是近年來Lagavulin走紅,銷量大增,台灣帝亞吉歐支部並無代理,國內的酒皆為平行輸入產品之故。一般的酒專價位在2100~2400之間,筆者所見最低價位為1900,最高2700,至於是哪邊,有興趣者請自行與我聯絡。(這是約莫2007年底-2008年初的資訊)
Where to Find: 全省各大洋酒連鎖店、煙酒專賣店皆可尋獲其芳蹤,但價格差異頗大。主因是近年來Lagavulin走紅,銷量大增,台灣帝亞吉歐支部並無代理,國內的酒皆為平行輸入產品之故。一般的酒專價位在2100~2400之間,筆者所見最低價位為1900,最高2700,至於是哪邊,有興趣者請自行與我聯絡。(這是約莫2007年底-2008年初的資訊)